Fine Needle Aspiration Service
Ruth H. Oneson MD, MPH Cytopathologist
Rick Faulk RDMS, RVT
Procedures performed at One Focus Medical Clinic
3815 S. Boulevard
Edmond, OK 73013
Advantages of a Fine Needle Aspiration
This is a simple relatively non invasive method to arrive at a diagnosis of many superficial palpable and non palpable “lumps and bumps” found in the thyroid, major and minor salivary glands and superficial lymph nodes. As the thyroid goes, this is the only non-surgical method of determining whether your thyroid nodule is benign or malignant. The aspiration is generally not painful as a very small needle (27 g) is used and a topical numbing agent is applied before the procedure. Preliminary findings are discussed with the patient at the completion of the procedure after an assessment of adequacy is made. The final written report is provided to the referring provider the next day.
How to Schedule an Appointment
Scheduling the Test
Fine Needle Aspiration biopsies require an order from your attending physician/provider. Generally, your provider will contact our office to schedule your appointment. Alternatively, the provider may fax the order and other pertinent information to our office. Our staff then would contact you directly to schedule.
For questions, please call
(405) 715-4500
Before the Test
There is no preparation for the FNA. You should perform your routine daily activities, including eating breakfast or lunch and taking medications. Blood thinners (Warfarin/Coumadin, Aspirin, Lovenox, Plavix and Eliquis) do not preclude performing an FNA biopsy when using a 27 g needle. If you have reports, scans, or other medical documents your referring provider may have given you, you may bring them to the appointment. We will be using a real time live ultrasound examination so this is not mandatory.
After the Test
No medical procedure is without risk, but complications for FNA are rare. Minor complications may include bruising of the skin overlying the nodule. You may continue normal activities after the procedure including driving.
During the Test
Prior to the procedure a detailed discussion regarding how the nodules were found and symptoms related to the nodules are discussed. All questions are answered and a consent form is signed. Prior to the FNA, the skin is cleaned with alcohol. A cold topical numbing spray is applied and the needle is placed in the nodule under ultrasound guidance. The needle is in the nodule for only a few seconds. The needle is removed and slides are prepared from the specimen, which typically consists of less than a drop of blood and cells. The specimen is then immediately checked by a board certified pathologist for adequacy. The process may be repeated a second or third time depending on the adequacy of the specimen and the composition of the lesion. A preliminary diagnosis will be discussed at the completion of the procedure. Special studies may also be needed, depending on the preliminary diagnosis, such as flow cytometry and molecular studies for mutation analysis.