Heartland Pathology services are billed through our in-house billing office, not as part of your physician or hospital bill.
Our billing office is happy to assist you with any questions or concerns, Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Our after hours voicemail is available at any time. Please be ready to provide your account number when you call or email. Thank you for your prompt payment!
Financing Option
CareCredit is a healthcare credit card that helps you pay for treatments and procedures for you or your family that may not be covered by insurance through special financing offers on purchases of $200 or more. Once you have applied, you can use your card again and again to pay for additional pathology testing, or for any other health, wellness or beauty procedures at over 175,000 providers across the country.
Learn more by visiting www.carecredit.com or by contacting our billing office. Ready to apply? Apply online for your CareCredit healthcare credit card today.
Visa / Mastercard / Discover / American Express